Holistic Life Coach



Excerpts from Carolyn Quinn’s upcoming book:

Grief is a universal experience in reaction to the losses in our lives. One of the hardest losses we experience is the loss of a loved one. In all grief we are affected physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and perhaps materially. If we do not go through these effects of grief fully, it will be difficult to heal and integrate the loss into our lives in order to move forward.

It is the purpose of this book to help adults in grief to not only SURVIVE the loss of a loved one but to learn how to be ALIVE and eventually THRIVE again. This book offers six steps for healing the loss of a loved one in a new model (THE SERENE Model of Grief) before, after, and beyond one’s loss (the ABC’S of grief: A–Anticipatory Grief; B–Bereavement (Initial); C–Continuing Recovery).

This book is designed for adults who have lost a loved one (including a pet) and need to move through their grief in order to integrate the loss into their lives, start new beginnings, and reinvest in life again. This book is also for professionals who need to heal their own grief processes. Professionals can also use this book for individual and group griefwork.

Services Offered

Healing through Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit.

Holistic Life Coaching

Holistic Life Coaching with Carolyn can focus on physical, emotional, mental, relationship, spiritual and grief issues. Our goal is to help you find the answers within yourself to become more fully who you are!!


While Carolyn is Christian, she has studied all spiritual traditions and deeply values the core beliefs of love, compassion, and respect for all life.


Presentations and workshops with Carolyn provide ways to cope with life through many avenues, including movement, relaxation, self massage, breathwork, work on negative self talk, and more!

Physical Healing

Having been helped herself physically through traditional and nontraditional approaches, Carolyn employs both in her work with you.

Get To Know

Carolyn Quinn

As humans, we experience this journey through the seasons of our lives in the physical, emotional, mental, relational and spiritual dimensions. In anyone or all of these dimensions, we are faced with life’s challenges. While some aspects of these challenges are universal, the way in which we handle these are very individual and require individual and unique ways to help us find our way through. Both alternative and traditional approaches have helped me find ways to cope and make positive changes. In my professional life, working with others to make positive changes and find the answers within is a great and humble honor!

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