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September 2020

GIFTS FROM ILLNESS?!! YES!!! 492 627 adminquinn


Usually, in the midst of a major illness, we do not consider the possibility that out of this situation, GIFTS can emerge! But they CAN AND DO, which helps in our healing. In our house, we first struggled to cope with my husband being hospitalized three times in eight months! Then came my scare with possible breast cancer, followed by collapsing on 5/3/20 which resulted in Post Concussion Syndrome. Testing then revealed I have two leaky heart valves and major sinus problems (I am recovering from sinus surgery). So what gifts could come out of all this?! More than I could ever imagine!

*Normally my husband and I are very independent. Illness changed all that. I had to help him in his recovery and then to help him stay on track with his health issues. Then he was there for me through all my trials. Result: *Through all this, we all have been brought closer together, are more of a team, and our love has deepened.

*Our rescue dog BO has PTSD and has had a love/caution relationship with me. During my illnesses, he has become my Comforter-In-Chief, staying by my side as I became a couch potato, offering me unconditional love as only a fur baby can do!

*The Post Concussion left me with a totally dented memory, vertigo, headaches, many other symptoms, and most of all, a loss of who I was. The gifts out of all this?!

*First, in desperation, I went online and was led to the PCS (Post Concussion Syndrome) Legacy Foundation, which validated my symptoms, and provided invaluable webinars, information, and support.

*The crack medical team of my own primary care doctor, cardiologist, neurologist, and ENT each helped provide pieces of my medical puzzle, followed by what to do.

*I reached out to others via social media and text, which has been unlike me in the past, and received great support!

*It seems my lifelong issues of worry, anxiety, depression, and difficult memories were partially knocked out of my brain and being!

*This has created space for new skills to come in: More common sense, ability to “think out of the box,” and to be more creative! Instead of losing myself, I have found a new sense of self.

*I had to TOTALLY SLOW DOWN, SURRENDER, DO NOTHING AND DEPEND ON OTHERS AND GOD. It has helped me be more understanding of others going through illness, and to have more patience and acceptance of myself to be WHERE I AM IN ANY GIVEN MOMENT!

It is still an ongoing journey as I may never get all my memory back, but the GIFTS are such a BLESSING (even through a Pandemic) and for this, I AM GRATEFUL!


I CELEBRATE THE WOMEN! 480 270 adminquinn



(Inspired by the legacy of RBG and the women who have gone before, are here now, and will be in the future!)

Of Ancient Ancestry

Whatever ethnicity, lifestyle, race, religion, or station in life, who by their very existence, pioneered and paved the way for those of us to come.

Of My Own Ancestry

My half Irish, half German paternal grandmother born in a dugout on the plains of Kansas and who lived to be 100!

My maternal grandmother Elizabeth whose lifelong dedication to her faith, family, and social service inspired me to become a social worker.

My own mother Barbara, feisty, obstinate, hardworking wife, mother, daughter, sister who still guides, protects, and watches over me!

   Of Lifelong and New Friendships

Who have stayed with me through thick and thin, challenged me, supported me, loved me, and still do!  

Of Those In Careers

Who in social work, medicine, nursing, chaplaincy, bereavement, caregiving, motherhood, housewifery, military, police, clerking, and all the myriad roles of women, have served others and still do!

Of Those Who As Clients

Allowed me to hold the space for their healing, and challenged and taught me beyond my own limits.

Of Those Who in Recovery

Went before me and millions of others to show us the way of sobriety, new life, and the promise of starting over each day.

Of Those Who Are Young

And step forward to radically change the status quo, who choose to be traditional, and/or choose to do both.

Those Of Color

Who have stepped out and are stepping out courageously to fight for justice, for freedom, for equality, and/or who struggle in their daily lives.

African American:  Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad conductor, abolitionist). Maya Angelou (Poet, civil rights activist). Dorothy Mae Lewis (my amazing mother-in-law who raised 13 children and welcomed/loved me as her daughter-in-law).

Asian:  Kalpana Chawla (First woman Indian astronaut who died in the Columbia tragedy).

Latinas:  Delores Huerta (Farm Labor movement leader and activist). My friend Laurie (Hispanic social worker and activist).

Middle Eastern:  Malala Yousafzal (Campaigner for girl’s education and Nobel Peace recipient).

Native American: Wilma Mankiller (Cherokee activist, social worker, first woman Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation).  

Trailblazers in the Judiciary

Sandra Day O’Connor

Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Rest in Peace!)

Sonia Sotomayor

Elena Kagan

All women who each in their own right have pioneered the role of women as professors, in government, and as judges and Supreme Court Associate Justices.  

Of Those Religious

Who in all religions and traditions have been called beyond the limits of their time to serve!  

The Mother Mary

Sr. Teresa McIntier (RN, Grief Educator, Counselor).

Jeanette Renouf: (Psychologist, Doctorate of Ministry, my mentor, and advisor).

Joyce Meyer:  Charismatic Christian author, speaker, and TV minister.  

 Of Those Who are in Your Life 

Have inspired, challenged, disciplined,  supported, comforted, and helped you to become who you are, and more than you thought you could be!  


Carolyn Q.



Blessings upon mothers who labor to bring new life into the world.

Blessings upon those who lovingly labor to care for their families.

Blessings upon our teachers and all those who labor to teach our children, whatever the setting. 

Blessings upon those who lovingly labor to provide for the needs of their families.

Blessings upon those who labor to provide the most basic self care in spite of incredible odds.

Blessed are those who are unable to labor due to physical, emotional, or mental illness.

Blessings upon those who labor to care for our homeless.

Blessings upon those who labor in the fields to feed us.

Blessings upon those who tirelessly labor to transport goods so we can have food and goods.

Blessings upon those who labor on the frontlines to make sure we have this food and goods.

Blessings upon our frontline healthcare workers who labor ceaselessly to care for our sickest. 

Blessings upon our military who labor to keep us safe, and upon their families.

Blessings upon those who have lost employment but long to work; may they work again!

Blessings upon those who labor to save our planet!

Blessings upon ourselves as we labor to live life on our Blue Planet!   

Blessings upon each of you, 


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