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What is your favorite Christmas Carol? What is your favorite Christmas song?!

I love “Silent Night” as my most favorite Christmas Carol since childhood and “Silver Bells” as my favorite Christmas song! A funny one for me is “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”




      Today I celebrate the second theme of Advent:  PEACE.  ( A week behind although I am sure it is ok with God😄).  The season of Christmas has always brought me a sense of comfort and peace like no other time of the year.  

      In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the busyness, and the excitement, there is a deeper meaning in the Christmas Season which can bring a sense of PEACE and the promise of PEACE in the New Year.  

  In the Christmas season when I was nine, our 42-foot trailer had been sold, we moved into a small two-bedroom apartment, and Dad sold his pickup truck, all in preparation to help pay for our forever home which was being built.

   Dad walked daily to his job as an installer repairman for Ma Bell in all kinds of weather.  (He had a company truck but only for use in his work).  When the weather turned cold and wintry, he caught pneumonia between Thanksgiving and Christmas and had to be home to recover.  It was the first time I had ever seen my Dad ill, and it was scary!  

  Our Christmas was much slimmer that year.  But we did have a Christmas tree which, and as I mentioned last week, was Dad’s favorite.  Somehow, having less presents, no TV, and Dad being ill, brought us so much closer together, and Christmas was much quieter and more peaceful. 

   It was one of the BEST Christmases we ever had and made the meaning of Christmas so much more precious and real and memorable!  

   Dad did eventually recover, and the whole family, Dad, Mom, Richard, and I, helped do finishing work on the new house, another experience bringing us and keeping us closer together!  

    So GRATEFUL for my childhood with my parents and brother! 

May your Christmas Season be filled with memory-making experiences and peace as you find new meaning this Christmas season!  



Honoring Peace

The Peace of Nature in Winter

Peace of Christmas Season

A peaceful Christmas with Mom’s favorite bird, the Cardinal.

Peace at Christmas in song:

A family image similar to my family of origin.



This is the Advent season in Christianity which has four themes or qualities leading up to Christmas Day.

The first theme this past week has been HOPE.  This year has brought me pondering in my heart about these themes.  Today I honor the theme of HOPE throughout memories and images from my own life.

I was born in Minden, Nebraska, The Christmas City.  This would set a theme in my own life of Christmas being my MOST FAVORITE time of the year!  The season of hope and good will, acts of caring and kindness to our fellow humans and animals and giving to those less fortunate than ourselves.  And for me, the MEMORIES of Christmas are the music, nature, gifts, giving, family and friends, the Christmas tree, and the true meaning of the Season!  

Christmas was always a BIG DEAL in our family!  My Dad grew up being very poor and often did not have many celebrations in the Christmas season.  For him, Christmas was his FAVORITE holiday!  The kid in him broke out in JOY as he decorated outside, and inside, the Christmas tree.  For me, I have to have a Christmas tree in his honor, even the first Christmas after he died in November!  Putting up a tree helped me more in my grief than anything.  

My Mom was never really excited about Christmas “because it is too close to my birthday” which was January 5th.  And yet, she participated each year. 

She and I made many memories:  Baking dozens of cranberry, banana, and pumpkin breads, and freezing them till time to give as Christmas gifts. In later years after Dad died, touring our little hometown in all seasons, especially the holiday season, something neither of us ever tired of.  At Christmastime, after Mom was in assisted living in Beloit, we got to ride in a limousine to tour the AMAZING Chautauqua Isle of Lites in the local park. (Check it out online!) 

When she and Dad spent several winters in Apache Junction, AZ, in their RV, Dad still went all out decorating, mainly outdoors. We would also tour the lights of the RV resort and surrounding areas, and take in Christmas music everywhere we could.

When my brother Richard and I were little, and after we joined the Christian Church in Beloit, he and I would put on the Christmas story on Christmas Eve. He would act out parts, while I played Christmas carols on my flute and read Scripture.  Then Richard and I would get up super early in the morning, excitedly check out the presents, and then fall asleep on the couch till we could wake the folks up!

Since 2003, I have taken our family dogs out to see the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.  Baron and Bo both LOVED this, and I introduced Bella to the custom tonite.  She seemed, like her earlier brothers who are now angel doggies, to really enjoy this! 

For many years now, my bestie Janie and I have made a tradition of Christmas shopping in Sedona and hanging out together. (Just got back)!  

The memories shared here are but a glimpse into a lifetime of memories and which bring a RENEWED hope to me in the midst of Covid, worldwide turmoil, and upheaval in general.  

I invite you to explore YOUR memories of hope, and let them give you RENEWED HOPE in this season of Christmas!

Blessings in this Christmas Season,


These are the things that give me HOPE! What has brought HOPE into your life?

The love of friends gives HOPE!

Janie & I!

Cardinal birds at Christmas.

AZ I-17 Christmas Tree

Minden, NE The Christmas City

Chautauqua Isle of Lights Beloit, KS

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