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February 2022

FEBRUARY: THE MANY FACES OF LOVE 1024 683 adminquinn


For the entire month of February, I am featuring the many different faces of love through stories and pictures.  Today I offer an overview of each week through pictures and a brief description of what to look forward to.

Week 1 will repeat an earlier blog that did not get widely posted on the love between our animals and their lives and meaning to us:  My own two doggies who have crossed over; Pepper the Cat and Sue; Fiona and Bethany; and Cathy, Kim, and Shine.  Check out their pictures in today’s blog!)

Week 2 will feature highlights of the love of my parents, Walt and Barb, married on Valentine’s Day. Check out one of my favorite pics of them!

Week 3 will feature the very special story of love between a grandmother and granddaughter, Suzanne and Jazz.  Check out a recent pic of Suz and Jazz today!

Week 4 will feature the love of Hospice mentor Diane Davis Wolfe and her very special Hospice staff, as well as the very special gifts of love in Diane’s personal life.  Check out a pic of Diane and Steve who found love again in middle age!  

And may you find JOY in YOUR OWN SPECIAL STORIES OF LOVE this month!  




January was National Celebration of Life!  We honor all our loved ones, both two-leggeds and four-leggeds.  

Today I honor our four-leggeds who have brought us so much joy and unconditional love!  

For my husband and me, I share our beloved black lab Baron and our first rescue doggie Bo.  

Baron was one of 7 black lab puppies born to Bailey and Shaq (yes short for Shaquille!).  He was a Marley dog from the beginning!  He had to go to 90 days of dog training at 3 months old. He LOVED playing frisbee and sitting out under the stars at nite with his Daddy who still misses him!

Baron and I went to see the Christmas lights every Christmas Eve of his life.  We got to be with him when he was put to sleep at home by Dr. Monica Brown on Memorial Day 2017. 

Our hearts were so broken that Molly, daughter of my BFF Janie, found a rescue that she thought we would be a perfect match for!  And so our BO came to live with us, bonding with Daddy immediately.  Bo was a runner and merrily crossed 6 lanes of traffic one nite with us chasing after him.  His angel totally protected him and he came back to us unscathed!  He did however have PTSD his entire life with us, mainly at nite😪  His favorite activity with me was car rides which were so bonding!  We lost him on March 22, 2021, when he suddenly could not breathe or walk😢. 

Fiona was a beautiful horse of the Carroll Family who only had 5 years on this earth but what a 5 years!  She was feisty, particular about who she liked (both two-leggeds and four-leggeds), and was handily managed and trained by Bethany, her main woman.  She suffered from some health issues (including from two wildfires when all had to evacuate) and crossed the Rainbow Bridge shortly afterward. She still contacts the family from the other side!  

Shine was a very special rescue who was initially given to my friend Cathy Carroll by an RN who could no longer care for her due to her own health issues.  Cathy then gave Shine to her brother-in-law Bob who was terminally ill with cancer.  He made a gift of Shine to his wife Kim, Cathy’s sister.  For the rest of Shine’s life, she provided comfort for Kim before and after Bob’s dying and death, coming into Kim’s life when she needed Shine to help with her grief, and leaving when Kim was strong enough to handle Bob’s death. Shine had multiple health problems when she came to the Carroll family, who helped rehab her.  She also had other health problems at the end, but she maintained a positive disposition throughout, as exhibited by sticking her tongue to the left, letting you know when to rub her neck and belly, rolling in the mud, and loving a horse bath afterward.  The Carrolls were broken-hearted when she was put to sleep after 3 years.  

Our last love bug is Pepper, beloved companion, and kitty of Sue McDaniel.  Pepper was a very loving and gentle cat who had been Sue’s best friend for 14.5 years when she passed away in May 2015. Pepper never destroyed anything and would sit with Sue on their patio, coming inside with Sue when it was time. Sue described how much she still loves and misses Pepper:  “There will never be another Pepper.  She is in my heart always.”

Blessings to each who shared their stories of beloved four-leggeds, and to you in remembering your beloved four leggeds🐶🐴🐱


Our beloved Baron 4/23/2003- Memorial Day 2017

Daddy & Baron playing frisbee

Baron 4/23/2003-5/20-2017

Beloved Bo on 3/22/2021 – His last day with us.

Daddy & Bo on a stroll.

Daddy & Bo

Carolyn & Bo

Mom & Bo adopted 11/12/17

Kim & Shine

Beloved Fiona

Fiona & Bethany Horse Trainer extraordinaire!

Pepper, beloved companion of Sue.


Beautiful Shine of the Carroll Family

Next week’s blog will feature highlights of the love of my parents, Walt and Barb, married on Valentine’s Day.

Check out one of my favorite pics of them!

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