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December 2022

MY KANSAS ODYSSEY 1024 682 adminquinn


I am overdue to write this because of the death of a dear friend in the past few weeks. I had not been to my home state of Kansas for 4.5 years due to the pandemic and my own health issues of post-concussion syndrome and then major back problems. For years I have
always tried to get home at least twice a year because it was how I would get emotionally and spiritually recharged. There is something for me about seeing lifelong family and friends that renews me and brings me back to my roots. Driving hundreds of miles throughout the prairie
between towns large and small brings a sense of peace and oneness with nature and with the land. I LOVE the ever-changing weather, the wide openness of the plains, and the blue expanse of sky. I am HOME!

It has been especially difficult since I was ill and we could not travel. I withdrew into myself and isolated much of the time during those 2.5 years. So this trip was my HOMECOMING!

I first made my usual stop at the Grant Inn, where I have stayed for more years than I can count in Topeka. I was treated to a luscious Greek dinner in one of my favorite towns, Lawrence where I have always thought I would want to live if I ever moved back to Kansas for part of the

I also spent time with my dear guru friend in Topeka (Dianne Lawson). The rain had started coming down hard, and I GOT LOST trying to get out of Topeka on the way to my most excellent adventure on Highway 24, a two-lane road that would eventually take me to my hometown. I traveled through the tiny town where my cousin Chris’s son had been tragically
killed when bleachers fell many years ago.

I finally arrived in St. Mary’s, a beautiful little town, to meet my classmate Donna Davis who has become a close friend via Facebook, and her vivacious, delightful grandson. We went on to Belvue to the quaint turquoise bakery you see in the pictures. Loretta’s Artisanal Bakery is
owned and operated by a gentle young widow and mother of 8 who proudly displays her husband’s incredible artwork throughout. The food was great too!

I then had the experience from HECK in a motel I stayed in. Donna rescued me EARLY the next morning and introduced me to another lovely homey country house restaurant. Then on to Manhattan via Highway 24 and Walmart to see my young cousin, followed by brunch with the Mick and Faye Stevenson clan. Together we visited St. Patrick’s Cemetery where Uncle Mick and Aunt Faye are buried. I was heartsick because I did not get to see Aunt Faye as she died during Covid but not from Covid. This bunch will meet me even on short notice! The Stevenson clan is that way! Check out the pictures!

I got to visit with another cousin Pat and her daughter Jen in Riley, and we shared some miracle stories in our family. I then drove through those wide expanses of sky and prairie to my hometown, where you can
see the towering post-rock of St. John’s Catholic Church and the Courthouse long before you arrive in town. I stopped to see my parents first, as I always do at the cemetery, and I was comforted. I unexpectedly started crying as I spoke softly with my folks.
I then joined my friend of 65+ years for an overnight! We were awake much of the night for various reasons, just like a slumber party of other times. What a way to get caught up!

We made a “surprise” visit to Lorna Jones, the mother of our classmate Marcia Jones. We were greeted with “I’ve been waiting for you,” followed by “Sheila!” who this 99-year-old sharp as tack woman had not seen in how many years?! Check out the pic!

We then met with several of our classmates, one who drove 2 hours to be there and is a miracle cancer survivor. Our class always tries to get together with whoever comes from out of state. I then had to boogie down the road 2.5 hours to meet two more wonderful classmates. This
contact with my fellow classmates through the years has been SO POSITIVE and more meaningful for me because in high school, I had such low self-esteem. I have gradually realized it was more about me, and being with my classmates helped heal this. (Check pics).

I then got to be with my oldest friend and her husband. As always, we had the best time, laughing, reminiscing, and getting caught up. I also saw my friend Cindy Entriken, now an author! (Check out pic and website)! I then took the two-lane back roads to Abilene to see my
cousin Chris. She and her husband operate the beautifully restored Victorian Engle House Bed and Breakfast. Check out the picture, and THEN, check it out in person! A great experience!

I then drove through hill and dale, rolling hills, and fading autumn to make it to the airport on time, my spirit filled with the richness of my home state, family, and friends. Instead of being tired or worn out, I felt RENEWED AND REGENERATED, READY TO RETURN HOME



Going home for the first time in 3+ years!

My guru friend of 45 years who gives great advice and did again — get writing and publishing that book!

Dinner at this fab restaurant in Lawrence, KS, with my beloved cousins Jerry and Janet Grant and son Jason, “my guy” as a child.

Oldie, but goodie of the Grants.

On to visit with classmate Donna Davis and her darling brilliant grandson down Highway 24!

Feasting with Donna at this darling bakery.

Owner of this precious bakery.

On to Manhattan to visit with the Mick and Faye Stevenson clan and at their gravesite. They were like my second parents.

Continuing on Highway 24 to my hometown of Beloit, KS. First stop to visit with my beloved parents, each whom died in November, 16 years apart. 25 years since Dad died, and 9 years since we lost Mom.

Scenes from Beloit

Scenes from Beloit

Beloit Courthouse built of native post rock!

“Surprise” visit with this lovely, feisty 99-year-old Facebook friend, Lorna Jones and Mom of classmate, by school friend Sheila Bruce Pfeiffer and myself. I have known Lorna since I was age 6!

Members of the class of ’67 who always try to get together whenever we come from out of state! Our class reunion have been a Godsend for me in learning no one else thought I was a dork and in reconnecting throughout the years!

Another fab get together with more classmates, Phyllis Remley Guinn and Diana from Wendell at Braum’s in Wichita. YUM!

Visit with cousin Pat Tieking and her daughter Jennifer stop on Highway 24.

Cousin Laura and Carolyn

Engle House Bed and Breakfast Abilene, KS.

Cindy Entriken, Author.

Kansas prairie

End of the journey after driving 575 miles in 5 days!

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