Getting Through Challenging Times

Getting Through Challenging Times

Getting Through Challenging Times 1024 683 adminquinn

“A time to weep and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.”

Hello everyone! It seems like a lifetime since my first blog! We have been through so much with the pandemic in just the past 5 days! I changed the topic for this blog due to the urgency of what is happening.
I want to share about the grief process as a way to help understand what we are going through in these challenging times. These steps apply not only to the loss of a loved one but to any loss we may be experiencing. Grief is the reaction to any loss we go through in life, no matter how big or small. Here it goes:

Step 1: Shock/Denial
Denial: “This is not happening!”
For several weeks, we as a nation did not realize or acknowledge that the Coronavirus had hit America.

Shock: “This cannot be happening!”
Even though a part of us knows what is happening, we cannot wrap our heads around the reality of the situation. I call this the Twilight Zone. I have been in deep shock about what is happening.

Step 2: Effects
The effects of the situation begin to hit us physically, materially, environmentally, emotionally, relationship-wise, and spiritually. This can be not only overwhelming and very stressful but also part of HEALING! We gotta FEEL to HEAL!

I have been going through deep sadness, fear and worry, for myself (I am high risk with lung issues), my husband (who is a hospital RN with health issues) and all healthcare workers, our country, and the planet! A little much to take on, right?! But how can you not be affected?! There are glimmers of hope, too!

Step 3: Recovery
We find ways to cope with each of these effects which help us HEAL further. This includes our own RESOURCES (resilience) and external RESOURCES.

The gift of CONNECTIONS with ourselves, others, God, and the planet help us to get through whatever the situation is. Our goal is not only to SURVIVE, but to know we are ALIVE, and in time, we will THRIVE again!

In future blogs, we will explore each of these Effects of grief, RESOURCES to cope with each, and CONNECTIONS to help us get through!

For today, here are a few ideas:

HEALING: Channel feelings via writing, painting, posting on social media, getting out in Nature, practicing Breathing! Download the app for CALM.

RESOURCES: Keep abreast of what is going on with COVID-19.
On Facebook, the most excellent resource I have found is Corona (COVID-19) Information Center with global, national and local updates and resources.

National Crisis Helpline: 800-662-4357
Veteran’s Crisis Helpline and National Prevention Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255

Keep in touch with family and friends via phone, FaceTime, Zoom, text, social media! (I have made a commitment with several friends to call, FaceTime at least monthly; close family at least weekly). Help someone who cannot get supplies or needed items. Share stories of inspiration, hope, and humor on social media.


Till next week when we will explore physical and environmental issues, resources and connections!


Carolyn Q.

1 comment
  • Colleen April 5, 2020 at 4:40 pm

    I love that you have started this site! Carolyn! I was pretty down this morning, after hearing of a loss of life here in town! Grieving is the right word! This morning I read my devotional from the book by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland called” Faith To Faith “. I was a little ahead in my readings and landed on April 6 “Sorrow Not” the Bible verse was psalm 91 which was very comforting! Later on when I rechecked it , I had mistakenly read the wrong bible reading to go with the devotional! But psalm 91 was the one that I needed today!

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