Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy

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“We have been called to a time of healing for ourselves, others, and the planet in relationship to our Higher Power.”

-Carolyn Quinn

Hello on this holiday weekend of Passover and Easter! I hope you are safe and well as we continue to get through this time of “staying in place.” Today we are sharing ways to stay healthy physically.


  1. MOST IMPORTANT: So, no surprise, the MOST important way to stay healthy right now and for at least the next several weeks is Physical/Social Distancing (6 feet) and wearing a face cover when out among others! We stay apart so we can be together again! 
  2. Telehealth or phone contact with your doctor: I had a phone appointment with my doctor this week. As I try to keep my high-risk lungs healthy, I am on prescribed medications, OTC meds, and homeopathic meds. My doctor is trained in all of these fortunately, and she approved everything.
  3. Nutrition: We are encouraged to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, but this may be difficult for some financially. See below for alternate resources. My husband is diabetic, so we are learning to use Glucerna products among other things.

     4.    Physical activity: Get out in nature or do at-home exercises! Check the resources below.

     5.  Healing prayer: This may seem unusual, but this has been invaluable for me in helping heal an ovarian cyst and 2 lung nodules and in bringing comfort and hope. (Resources below are for persons of different spiritual traditions).


  1.  If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 (fever above 100.4, dry persistent cough, shortness of breath), call your doctor first! Your doctor will order a test if your symptoms qualify. In Phoenix, our major hospital systems have sites for testing.
  1.  For information on medical issues, check out WebMD, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, or UpToDate.
  2. Check out curbside/delivery, 99 Cent stores, Food City for food options. Some restaurants are now selling groceries!
  3. Get outside to walk, hike! For at-home exercise, check out 10 Best YouTube Channels for Full At Home Workouts! Programs to meet all needs!
  4. Healing Prayer online: 17 Prayers for the Sick,, Jewish Prayers, Poems, and Readings for Healing (, Buddhist Prayer for Healing, or Ananda Healing Prayer Resources. 


I am GRATEFUL for:  

1. The American people following guidelines that will help reduce the spread of this disease and help us return to a more normal life.

2. Our healthcare workers, first responders, and workers putting their lives on the line for us. 

3. Food banks supplying food for those in need. 

4. Being able to get out in nature or for a car ride with my dog BO.

4. Having prayer chains both religious and spiritual.

What are YOU grateful for?!! Please share!

A generic prayer I use in all situations: “I pray for the best and highest good of all!”


Carolyn Q 

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