Radical Love, Compassion, Grace, & Gratitude

Radical Love, Compassion, Grace, & Gratitude

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          Live your Life with

                Radical Love, Compassion, 

              Grace, & Gratitude! 

Healing: All of the stress in the Universe and our world finally caught up with me one month ago today. Physically, I literally collapsed with low blood pressure and blood rushing to my feet.  Emotionally, my poor heart could not handle any more.  Mentally, my head drained from all the stress of Covid-19, collapse of the economy, and negative politics. Spiritually, I totally gave up and surrendered.

Resources: I realized my collapse was more than physical.  I had to go through this to make room for radical love, compassion, grace, and gratitude to be part of my life again. And now, with the violence in our country, this is even more imperative.  I also had to surrender to the process of whatever is going on with me and accept the help of others, including a team of medical experts.


*Radical Love:  All great spiritual traditions value love.  Radical love embraces reverence for all life and nonviolence in thought, word, and deed and shows that violence only begets violence.  

How can we show radical love in this time of division, violence, and deep ancestral pain? 

*Compassion:  This resides in and comes forth from our heart.  We are called to be compassionate not only with others, but with ourselves.  I have had to be kind with myself in my current state and allow others to be there for me.

How can we show compassion for ourselves and for others with different points of view, behaviors, cultures, ethnicities, religions/no religions, sexual orientation?

*Grace:  Grace is something which is freely given without judgment, and is available with acceptance and forgiveness.  The only hitch is we have to be ready to accept it and let it in.

I am again in a state of Grace for the 100th time in my life!  

How are you letting grace into your life?

*Gratitude:  Having an attitude of gratitude can physically create new neural pathways in the brain and radically change and heal us.  

I am SO GRATEFUL for this opportunity yet again to change and heal in all ways!

What are you GRATEFUL for in the midst of whatever you are going through and the pain engulfing our world?  How different could things be in our lives and in the world if we only lived in gratitude?! 

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