Love Is The Way

Love Is The Way

Love Is The Way 550 550 adminquinn

This week marks two great events that occur this week.

The first important event is the Winter Solstice which arrives on Monday, December 21 at 4:20 am CST.  The Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the sun in the Northern hemisphere.  It is believed to hold powerful energy for regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection.  It also symbolizes the birth of the sun and is representative of the birth of the Son, Jesus.

In Christianity, the night of the 21st of December is also sometimes called Blue Christmas or a time of Lament and Grief as we consider our own lives.  For me personally, I have experienced the loss of four persons I dearly loved in the past five months, one to the dreaded Covid, and I will be pondering these losses as well of those occurring worldwide due to the Pandemic and its accompanying catastrophes.

What will YOU be reflecting upon this Winter Solstice?!  

This also marks the fourth week of Advent in the Christian religion and the theme is…LOVE!  For me, this heralds the second most important event in the Western Christian religion, the birth of LOVE itself in the form of Jesus.  It is this gift of Love itself through Jesus that makes it possible for me to cope with the joys and sorrows of life. (Other branches of Christianity celebrate the birth of Jesus at later dates in January).

Love permeates the entire life of Jesus, his ministry, his death, and Resurrection. Love is the reason for Jesus’s entire purpose for being on Earth.  “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown,” said Linus to Charlie in A Charlie Brown Christmas.  I freely admit I watch this every year!  

How does LOVE manifest in your life?

I wish you and yours the BEST of LOVE in this Holiday Season!

Carolyn Q.

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