RESCUE MOMS PART 1: 976 420 adminquinn

Dedicated to all fur baby rescuers

I have changed up my Blog for today after my own rescue furbaby got sick this past week. I was inspired to feature several of the Rescue Moms in my life this week and next.  Today, meet the Rian women!  

Janie, Mom Rian, is one of my BFF’S.  She is an AMAZING person!  

Here is Janie with her rescue Henry and what her daughter Emily said about this:  

“Happy Adoption Day, Henry! I took Jane Rian to one of the Arizona Humane Society locations yesterday and she fell in love with this sweet face. She came all the way down from Sedona this morning to adopt him and had me arrive ten minutes before the store opened to ensure no one else snagged him. Does this mean I can no longer send her pics of dogs to adopt?!”

Janie and Henry at Adoption

Henry now!

All three of Janie’s daughters are animal lovers.  Here is Molly with her rescued fur babies: 

Molly & Roscoe


Stevie (who is blind) at adoption

Stevie with his pal today.

It is because of Molly that I became a Rescue Mom!  

And now here is youngest daughter Emily with two of her rescue babies:

Emily, girls, and biscuit at their adoption party.

Emily and her baby Foxy.

So, till next week when you meet more amazing fur baby Moms!  


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