RESCUE MOMS PART 2 240 320 adminquinn

Today you will meet Bo and me, and dear friends Cathy Carroll (Horse Woman), and Angela Ogden.

Bo came into our lives on 11/10/17.  Our beloved Baron had crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Memorial Day that year. We were broken-hearted even 6 months later.  Molly who you met last week contacted me about a rescue.  At first, I said “No” but Baron and God came to me with, “Go see that dog!”  So Molly met me at the shelter and of course, that is all she wrote! See Bodhi (BO) and Mom below!

Cathy Carroll has been a horse lover forever.  She was practically born riding horses.  She currently has 5 horses!   Here are her rescues and their story in Cathy’s own words:


“Vision is the bay with black mane and tail. She was almost 400lbs underweight when I got her. Shine is the paint that was given to me and she was crippled up and underweight but you can now ride her and Fiona was being sent to the kill lot.”  (Fiona was the horse who let me work on her leg wound).

Angela Ogden has been an animal lover her entire life. Her husband and she volunteered at Arizona’s oldest no-kill shelter preCovid where they got Naomi.  Here is what she says about Naomi (named after her) and Guinness (named after guess what😁):

“Guinness was found abandoned 4 years ago. Naomi, the dog was rescued 5 years ago. The first year & a half with Naomi was trying, full of learning experiences from baby gates, buying a carpet cleaner (lol), fixing holes in chairs… But she was so loving and protective. Naomi & Guinness get along great and play together as long as Guinness is in the mood.  They even sleep in each other’s beds!”


I invite you to consider being a Rescue Mom…and Dad!  You will save the fur babies and they will save you! 

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