IN HONOR OF LOSS, GRIEF, & RECOVERY (HEALING) 1024 1024 adminquinn

I want to give a Shoutout to all for the loving and comforting support in the loss of our doggie Bo.

Today is both a day of joy and sadness. Joy as I celebrate 34 years of recovery on this date and sadness in grieving Bo and the loss of two dear Hospice friends.

Loss, grief, and recovery cut across addictions, chronic illness, and loss of loved ones in similar ways. We experience first Denial (This is not happening!), and then Shock (This cannot be happening!). For some, denial never really ends.  Once the shock wears off, the sheer force of emotions can hit like a tsunami. It is NECESSARY to experience these emotions so healing can begin.  

In addictions, illness, and loss of loved ones, we can lose ourselves. In healing and recovery, we can find ourselves in new and different ways.

For me in addiction, it was the spiritual programs of 12 step groups that saved me. For some, it can be through Celebrate Recovery, for others, Smart Recovery.  For some, it is an individual journey.  

I suffer from chronic pain due to arthritis and some other conditions.  

Support groups abound for almost any chronic illness both in person and online, and the support of others with similar conditions can be so helpful.  I also have friends with chronic illness that find healing through the art of gardening.  One friend with a chronic illness has her whole family participating in planting, raising, harvesting, and eating the products of their  gardening.  The same was true in my family!   

 In nursing school, I was introduced to Norman Cousins who helped heal his connective tissue disease through watching comedic movies and Candid Camera! 


In the loss of loved ones, many things help us heal.  As I held Bo in his last moments, I suddenly felt the pain in my shoulders, neck, and head release.  Just like Bo, I was letting go.  I also have been going on our car rides with rock and roll music blaring to help me heal. 

Reminiscence, storytelling, life review is another way to help heal our grief.  I especially love to recall the lives of and with my parents which is so precious.


Support groups for bereavement can be invaluable in healing grief.

Via Facebook, I get invaluable enjoyment and support through groups such as Traveling Back to the Old Days ’40s-’80s and Mastering the Tides Recovery Consciousness (for those in various stages of recovery from addictions).

Whatever works for you, whatever is right for your healing, is the path for you to follow!



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