More Memories, More Service

More Memories, More Service

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As I prepared for today’s blog, I was struck by the number of holidays/dates of remembrance tied to honoring our loved ones who served in the war and are now gone. Also, I did not realize till doing last week’s blog on Terry, he died in Nam on 6/23/1969!  

So today, D Day, I honor members of my own family serving from World War I through VietNam in war and who are no longer with us. 

World War I and Armistice Day

Our maternal grandfather George H. Stevenson served in WW I in France.  He kept a personal journal of this harrowing conflict, of which several of us still have a copy.  He and my Mom, his oldest, always called it Armistice Day, now Veteran’s Day. (More on his story on Veteran’s Day).

World War II and D Day

Today we honor D Day when the American, British, Canadian, French Free Forces stormed the beaches of Normandie under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower from my home state of Kansas on June 6, 1944.


My own Dad J.W. “Walt” Walters, was at the same time embroiled as a Marine in taking back Iwo Jima in the South Pacific.  (His story will be shared in August).

The Korean Conflict

My godfather and uncle John “Jack” Stevenson served in The Korean Conflict.  It was never officially to this day declared war but not so for the brave men and women who served there!  This “war” has never been officially tied to any day of remembrance of which I am aware.  If so, PLEASE let me know!          


I NEVER DREAMED the response to Terry Householter would be so TREMENDOUS!  SO A SHOUT OUT to the 16200 PERSONS who were reached with last week’s blog!  And TO TERRY who I truly believe was not only overseeing this from Heaven but had a hand in getting the word out! Please continue to share his story!  

If may seem a conflict to those who know me as a person of nonviolence,  that I would also be so supportive of our military!  But like all things in life, nothing is simply black or white!  It is not about only fighting for our freedom, and that of others around the world, but for good over evil, light over darkness.   I wish humankind could find ANOTHER WAY to resolve our conflicts, but we haven’t done so up till now. And we STILL need to Honor those who gave their lives for us!  

Next week is Flag Day and I want to honor the six generations of my family who have served in the military and those I was not able to include here because there are SO MANY in my family and among friends!



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