ADOPT A SHELTER DOG MONTH – OCTOBER ’21 769 1024 adminquinn

October is the month every year when we turn our hearts toward the hopeful dogs waiting to find forever homes during Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) sponsors and promotes Adopt a Shelter Dog Month every October, while the American Humane Society has celebrated a month-long October campaign encouraging the adoption of shelter dogs in 1981. Community shelters make it a priority to match each dog with a compatible owner and environment to support the dog’s best second chance at a loving and stable forever home. 

Here is the story of “Henry the One-Eyed Wonder Dog” and his rescuer my dear friend Janie Rian.

Henry, the One-Eyed Wonder Dog

Forever thanks to my daughter, Emily, who convinced me to look at rescue dogs when I was with her in Phoenix.  I was able to adopt the most amazing doggie, Henry, my one-eyed wonder dog. We stopped at the Humane

Society’s branch shelter on Happy Valley Road on February 17th, 2019.  There he was and I fell in love with him.  My husband met me to pick me up at that mall and I begged him to take a look.  Since we had two dogs already, he was not convinced and we proceeded to drive home to Big Park ( small town before Sedona). I begged all the way home and he relented just before we arrived home.  It was a GO.  I called the shelter and my Henry was still there with only 5 minutes to closing.  Well my daughter, Emily, agreed to show up at their door right at opening the following day to make claim on our wonder dog.  We arrived at the same time and the rest is our wonderful history/life with amazing Henry, the one-eyed wonder dog. He is a joyful soul, so grateful to be loved and love us back!

By Janie Rian

Janie & Henry at the Humane Society the day before she adopted him.

Sweet Henry!

Evie welcoming Henry

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month!

Blessings to you and your rescues!


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