Birth of a Blog

Birth of a Blog

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​Hello all! This is Carolyn Quinn welcoming you to the birth of my blog Healing, Resources, and Connections for Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit! This first posting coincides with the day and season of my own birth, the Vernal Equinox, the dawn of Spring, the season of New Beginnings! So it is with much excitement that I begin this new journey with you!

Little did I know that the birth of my blog would happen at the same time we have been plunged into a worldwide pandemic! But I do not believe things happen coincidentally so maybe it was meant to be!​ ​It is my FERVENT HOPE our blog will help us get through this turbulent time together! It is my DEEP DESIRE to bring to you and to share with you in the three areas for which this blog is named:

HEALING: Healing in our blog covers all aspects of the following dimensions of life: Physical, material, environmental, emotional, mental, relationship, and spiritual. This means how we are affected in each of these areas of our lives as well as what do we do to HEAL in each area!

RESOURCES: Lack of knowledge about resources is a huge need! What do we do and where do we go to get help for ourselves and others? As a “Resource Queen” (a name given to me in my social work career!), I will do my best to provide timely resources and invite you to do the same! 

CONNECTIONS: This area is about our relationships with ourselves, others and God!  How do we relate?! We will feature the absolute importance of connections through inspiring personal stories, ways of connecting, and resources! 

This is YOUR BLOG and I also invite you to share your own thoughts, ideas, comments, and resources!!

I will also be introducing you to my upcoming book Piercing Grief: Six Steps for Healing the ABC’S of Grief Before After and Beyond the Loss of a Loved One through the posting of excerpts.

OUR NEXT BLOG: Keeping Healthy Through Healing Tips, Resources, and Connections!



Carolyn Q.


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