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Tis’ the season of Thanksgiving! My Mom’s favorite holiday when she cooked, made all our favorite dishes, and always had a friend over who had nowhere else to go!
For many, however, this holiday can be sweet or sad. Being alone, not having enough for a holiday feast, or even memories of lost loved ones.

So how do we get the most out of this holiday?! Perhaps the answer lies in the name of this holiday itself: Thanks and Giving! A time to give Thanks, to be grateful! I am SO thankful for my husband coming through his health crisis, our four grandbabies, and the special memories of my loved ones. I am BLESSED by an incredible support system through my friends and extended family, church family, clients, and YES even my social media pages! Where to my great surprise, we share humor, beauty, reconnection with old friends near and far, and making new friends.

What is one thing you are thankful for this Thanksgiving?!

And what about Giving? So often, we get more out of giving than anything! We can donate to those less fortunate, volunteer to serve a hearty dinner at a shelter, invite someone to a church dinner, or into our own home. Even if we do not have much ourselves, we can find a way to give! I am donating books, clothing, household items, and making a money donation to a cause of my choice. When I am able, I will donate my time again to volunteering.

What is one way You can GIVE this Thanksgiving season?!

In the meantime,

Blessings to One and All!

Carolyn Q.

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