This is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Most if not all of us have been affected by breast cancer in some way–our moms, wives, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, ourselves, and yes, men we know.

In my own family, my godfather, Uncle Jack, had breast cancer in his 70’s!  He was the first known one in our family to go through breast cancer and treatment.  The good news is that he was successful and had no recurrence the rest of his life!

Uncle Jack’s first wife had breast cancer that had spread before it was caught and was aggressive.  Amazingly, she lived several years with it.  I secretly was scared that their only daughter Carla might be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point. At age 48, Carla was diagnosed with the same kind of aggressive cancer that her Mother had.  Her courageous story is shared below.

In Remembrance: Carla Ann Stevenson Drescher 

I honor Carla who would have been 63 tomorrow on 10/20.   I knew Carla since her birth.  Her family and mine were very close and Dad, Mom, my brother, and I often visited with Uncle Jack, Aunt Gini, Mike, Gary, and Carla. Although I was 9 years older than Carla, we were close, even when we might not be in contact for months or years at times.  

Like me, Carla had gotten her Master’s in Social Work as did her daughter Lindsey.  I was able to tell her we got the social work gene from our maternal grandmother Elizabeth who was always helping and serving others. When Carla was about 30, she became a devout Catholic, the religion of our grandmother Elizabeth. Carla often said to me that she wished she had known Grandma better. 

When Carla was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, she chose to have a double mastectomy, followed by extensive chemotherapy. She once told me she never missed a day of work while going through chemo, even though her job was 70 miles away!  

Carla did really well for 11 years and with her family, opened an incredible home for foster children aging out of the foster care system.  A former home for Catholic nuns was purchased and converted for this dream of Carla’s.  Carla spearheaded getting funding, supplies, and whatever was needed for this incredible program!

During this time, when I saw Carla on one visit, she was very fatigued and having increased pain.  I had been working in oncology and hospice for several years, and I was concerned about her symptoms.  I just urged her to get a check-up, which she did.  It was found her cancer had returned and spread; she quietly went through treatment again, not letting many know.  She was told she would have 8-10 years to live. 

However, 8 months later, Carla was suddenly hospitalized.  It was found the cancer had returned in full force.  She was told she might have only a few weeks/month to live. How hard this must have been!  Carla still had so much life to live as a wife, mother, “Nina” to her 4 grandchildren, sister, friend, social worker, and all who loved her!

I flew home to see her x2 during this time.  Carla was facing her fate head-on, even though she was scared.  She was able to set goals for herself which, along with her faith, her will, and her true grit, helped her live way past a month!  She celebrated her 60th birthday with a blowout party, made it through Thanksgiving with her family, and almost made it to Christmas, which would have been “the cherry on top of the icing” for her!   She died peacefully, surrounded by her family, the morning sunlight streaming through the windows, on December 15th.  

I really sense that Carla watches over us and guides us, is with her family who has gone before us, and will be there to greet us with ABSOLUTE JOY!  

Check out Carla’s life here through pictures!

Philip, Carla, son Brian, and Laura.

Carla with her brothers Mike and Gary.

Carla and her husband Philip.

Carla’s 4 out of 5 grandkids.


Carla, her daughter, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, and grandkids.

Carla on her 60th birthday.

Carla, her daughter Lindsey, Laura, girl grandkids, and her bestie Sarah.

Carla in champion band.

Carla and her whole family.

Carla with Dad Jack and brothers Mike and Gary.

Carla in a prayer shawl with her son Bryan and her grandson.

Carla age 5 listening to uncle Chuck and cousin Carolyn entertaining at a family reunion.

Carla Ann Stevenson Drescher 

Carla would have wanted me to share resources for helping others with cancer, and those will be featured later this week! 



Carolyn Q

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