How are YOU CELEBRATING MAY? 150 150 adminquinn

May Day: Remember when you were young dancing around the Maypole with streamers flying in the wind? Or making May baskets full of flowers and leaving as a surprise at friends’ doors? How do YOU or your children celebrate May Day?!

Cinco de Mayo:  This day celebrates the defeat of Mexico over France’s invasion on May 5, 1862.  All over the US, we celebrate either at home or by eating out at all the great Mexican restaurants across our country.  How do YOU celebrate Cinco De Mayo?!  

National Mental Health Awareness Month:  We have all been through a lot this past year, and this is the perfect month to take time out to celebrate our mental health by:

    **Taking time for ourselves:  Spend 5 minutes in the morning and at bedtime and in between to celebrate what makes you happy, and/or finding out what makes you grateful!

**Finish this sentence: I take care of my mental health by : Taking my dog for a walk or a car ride in favorite or new places almost daily!

**Take a mental health day: I was breaking down yesterday due to severe stressors so I took the day off, and today I am better and ready to go!

Memorial Day: Celebrate this day by honoring your ancestors! Find out in next week’s blog how my family honored family ancestors for years, as well as how my hometown community still honors our foremothers, fathers, and those who have served our country!

Till next week,


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