IN A WORLD OF STRIFE BE THANKFUL 1024 883 adminquinn

(Inspired by the writings of Jason Beckom)

Thank you first responders in healthcare for your courage, your dedication, your commitment to care for the sickest among us.

Thank you my awesome RN husband for working in hospitals the past 35+ years in ER and floor nursing to tirelessly care for others.

Thank you daughter for working as a CNA in a nursing home caring for the sick and vulnerable.

Thank you all in healthcare for taking care of us who have other health care needs.

Thank you, Dr. Jackie, my primary care doctor of 24 years, for being there for me through thick and thin, especially through the past several months.

Thank you to my healthcare specialists, especially physical therapy, in helping me to recover myself the past few months.

Thank you first responders toiling in the fields harvesting crops so we might have food.

Thank you, road warriors (both local and long-distance), working tirelessly to deliver needed goods.

Thank you, postal workers, for working under stressful conditions to keep the mail going, especially for those needing to get their medications, and helping to ensure vote by mail.

Thank you for those working in retail, fast food, and other services who make it possible for our needs to be supplied.

Thank you, parents, who have to work either at home or in an office and juggle their children’s needs, especially educational, during Covid-19.

Thank you, teachers and other school personnel, who are so dedicated to teaching online or in-person to meet our children’s educational needs.

A Shoutout to our daughter who works in-person 3 days a week teaching special needs children.

Thank you to all those who strive to keep our communities and our world safe under stressful conditions.

Thank you to those who help their neighbors in numerous and myriad ways!

Thank you to those in community agencies who help provide food, income, and other basic needs to those struggling during these difficult times.

Thank you to all who provide support to others online in a variety of ways– humor, pictures of nature, adventures in nature, prayer, words of encouragement, support groups.

Thank you all who are finding new ways to cope, be it slowing down, or getting things done!

Thank you Nature itself for helping us to breathe, to heal, to enjoy your wonders.

Thank you for the human ability to not only survive tough times, but to endure, and to come out on the other side!

Thank you for our fellow humans, our families, our friends, our pets who help us cope, remind us of love, and provide CONNECTION!

Thank you for our spiritual beliefs to sustain us, to bring us comfort, and to share with others.

Thank you Jason Beckom for reminding us to BE THANKFUL in oh so many ways!


Carolyn Quinn

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