In Memory of Jerene Maierle

Ten days ago, we lost the woman who, for many of us in the Hospice world of the Valley of the Sun, was our Hospice Heroine, our mentor, our guide, our friend, our fearless leader.  (She was also known as the Queen and the Goddess). Even though she lived a long life, I think we all thought she would live forever!  

Jerene married young and had four children, Phil, Constance (Connie), Joe, and Cynthia (Cindi) whom she loved dearly and was there for them through life’s joys and sorrows.  In 1970, Jerene went to college and earned her Bachelor of Social Work degree from Arizona State University.

She used to regale me with stories of being a social worker in the Visiting Nurses Association.  Jerene’s social work values always permeated everything she did. In 1988, she became Director of Community Hospice and many of the staff from that original hospice experience were with her for many years. 

From 1994 to 2012 she was the dynamic, regal, yet down-to-earth Director of Hospice of Arizona (HOA).  She continued to work as a hospice consultant and director in Hospices for many more years because full retirement was just not for her! She also was President of Arizona Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

Through it all, the care of Hospice patients and their families always took precedence, even though she was a Certified Hospice Administrator and leader of one of the largest Hospices in the country.  All who knew her and those who loved her had their lives touched, influenced, changed by her in some way.  

My own highly personal experiences with Jerene started in 2000.  I had just been accepted to Seminary in Tucson and needed to work in a job that would support me in this journey. Jerene personally made the call to let me know I had the social work job!  My stars were finally aligning! I was doing Seminary long distance that first semester and working full time.  One evening after work, I gathered my courage to meet with Jerene.  I was telling her as we had discussed previously that I needed to cut back my hours.  I suddenly burst into tears as I told Jerene how much I loved my job and I did not want to leave.  Jerene leaped up from behind her desk and wrapped her arms around me, telling me tearfully herself that of course I still had my job with reduced hours.  She even made me the float social worker to help accommodate me!

My next big surprise came when, before I had even been ordained, Jerene chose me to be the next new chaplain.  I was on my way to California and did not get the message till I returned!  Unbeknownst to me, Jerene had told some others I would be the new chaplain.  Feeling uncertain and scared, I was not sure.  My husband told me that this was a gift from God (and Jerene) so I better take it!  I did, and started one of the most fulfilling chapters of my life careerwise!

Jerene’s son Phil had a beautiful, big black lab named Shaq (after guess who?) who fathered a litter of all black puppies with one of our nurse’s (Peg Brannigan) yellow lab.  Four of us staff adopted these babies and Jerene let us pick them up at the office!  When the puppies were six months old, she invited us to have a dog day at the office so the pups could be with their sibs.  Part of the joyous day was spent in her office with her and the pups!  She applauded my Baron when he turned around and growled at a sib who was bothering him.  Jerene was always for the underdog😂

I had the honor of performing a small private wedding for a group homeowner at Jerene’s home, and she told me she hoped she was invited to my upcoming wedding!  So my wedding went from a small backyard affair in Judy Peters’ lovely desert home to a huge joyous affair attended by many Hospice staff, including Jerene and her daughter Cindi!

Jerene suffered two huge losses in 2007 and 2008.  Her two oldest children suffered from incurable illnesses.  Connie had fought valiantly for ten years, but Phil died first in the HOA Butterfly Unit.  I got to visit him and was going to bring Shaq’s son, our Baron, to see him, but we did not make it in time.😪 Connie died the following December 2008. Jerene with her usual grace, grit, and gratitude somehow endured these soul-wrenching losses and lived out the rest of her life, continuing to work in Hospice, being there for others, both her staff and patients and being actively involved in her many and varied interests, especially tennis.  I personally believe it was her own faith (which she lived out), her remaining children,  grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and her continued zest for life that allowed her to keep going.

Jerene spent the last few months in the home of her beloved granddaughter and family, being cared for by White Rose Hospice (Cindi’s), receiving the care that she had helped provide for so many.  

Even though we are so saddened at her loss, she lives on in our hearts and our memories. WE SO MISS YOU JERENE BUT KNOW  YOU ARE AT LAST IN THAT HEAVENLY REALM WITH YOUR LOVED ONES AND THE LORD😪😂😊

I invite you to recall and remember how Jerene touched your life or that special someone who made a difference in your life. 


Pictures of Jerene and her hands being held on her last day.



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