It has been 24 years since November 16, 1997 that you went to Heaven. How can that BE?! The same month as Mom, only 16 years and 6 days apart.
You were born on a tenant farm, the youngest of 7 children. You grew up through the Depression in very hard times, and I am guessing that is when you developed your incredible work ethic that was one of your lifelong traits. You did not get to go to high school which was a lifelong disappointment for you.
At the age of 19, you were drafted and you chose to join the Marines. You served in the Pacific, fighting hard fought battles in faraway places like Okinawa, Pelilieu, Guadalcanal. At one point, you almost died from typhus. (Could that have been one reason you had a weakened immune system the rest of your life?) After the war ended, you were sent to China for the occupation of Manchuria.
You had started to write to Mom from overseas when you thought you were going to make it. When you got back, you were engaged and married Mom on Valentine’s Day. You also had gotten a job with Ma Bell where you worked for 39 years! (In those days, people stayed with their jobs for a lifetime).
First I came along, then Richard in quick succession, both of us born when you were 26 years old! You loved being a Dad your whole life. You were stern at first, but you grew with us, always there for us in times of joy and times of trouble. You also loved being a husband too, and you and Mom grew closer and closer together through life.
You always had a second job either painting houses or later in life, flipping them. You taught yourself plumbing, electricity, and carpentry. You built a hi-low camping trailer we traveled in! To me, you were AMAZING, and I was always so proud of you!.
Some of your happiest times were the last 12 years of your life in retirement when Mom and you traveled all over the US and came to Arizona to winter over 6 years. We got to see each other every other weekend, and our best trip ever was when Mom, you, and I went to Sedona and the Grand Canyon for your 70th birthday. Magical!
You struggled with various illnesses throughout your life. But the last 8 months of your life were HECK, filled with one illness after another. Finally, you struggled with two different kinds of cancer, the last one terminal. We thought you had 6 months to a year to live, but it was only 6 weeks😪
I had to fly home suddenly on Saturday 11/15 after you had been transferred to a hospital 70 miles from our hometown. You were SO SICK, temp 105, filled with tubes, shaking.
You had found Jesus when you were in your 30’s and he was your main man. In our short time together, our last conversation was:
“Dad, are you afraid?” Dad: “No!” “Dad, are you praying?!” Dad: “Yes!” “Dad, is Jesus with you?” Dad: “Yes, Jesus is with me!” Little did I know it would be our last time together!
Mom and I were never allowed to see you again as you struggled so hard! You died at 1:40 am when pulled off the vent. (A long story too painful to share here).
You had a WONDERFUL service with 250 attending, the 21 gun salute, and military honors. You had requested the Vince Gill song, “Go Rest High on that Mountain” which we played (and which you can check out in this post!).
You had helped Mom in the 70 mile drive home, sitting beside her in the car and guiding her every move! You came to us from time to time through the years after you left the Earth plane. My favorite was a time when I was sobbing as I missed you. Suddenly your face appeared across the entire spanse of AZ sky, your head thrown back, laughing, blue eyes dancing, letting me know you were ok!
Cannot wait to see you again Papa!
Your girl

Song, “ Go Rest High On That Mountain”, played at my father’s funeral. Click here to listen: