Self Healing

Self Healing

Self Healing 720 960 adminquinn

Hello All! Here we are halfway through the year! How did this happen?! For me, time has totally slowed down because of a sudden fall 8 weeks ago in which I fainted 3 times. (Doctors are still debating the reason). I am now suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which means headaches, decreased memory/concentration, anxiety, vertigo, and decreased level of activity.

So how do you cope with a physical issue which alters your life in the midst of a pandemic and social unrest on issues I care deeply about?

Resources and Connections: 

First, you start with SELF CARE. This means dealing with yourself where you are. If you do not take care of yourself first, there will not be a you to be there for yourself or others! For me, this means lots of rest, while at the same time doing what I can activity-wise, even if only for a few minutes or hours, cutting back on the news and social media. 

Emotionally, it means ACCEPTANCE of where I am–i.e., letting myself experience whatever I am feeling in the moment. 

SELF TALK: This means thinking/talking positively within ourselves. We are often our own harshest critics. I tend to call myself “stupid,” and I have learned to substitute loving nicknames for myself, e.g., “Sweet Carolyn.” Or telling myself, “It is ok to be where you are,” or “It is ok if you cry.” With others, it is ok to set boundaries, to reach out for support, or be thankful for the support. Spiritually, it is ok to tell your Higher Power what you are experiencing, and how you need help.

And the good news for me is that I WILL come out of this eventually, I can do PT to help myself heal, take meds, whatever it takes to help myself. Since we should be staying home anyway, it is a good time to slow down! (Gotta have some humor!).

Till next time…


Carolyn Q

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