Healing, Resources, and Connections:  As I continue through this journey of recovery from post-concussion syndrome, I have had to ask myself what is it that keeps me going.  It is the same foundation that has always sustained me from earliest childhood, my spirituality–I.e., my connection with Something/Someone greater than myself!

The definition of spirituality is very individual. For some, it might be whatever gives meaning and purpose to life.   For some, it might be a connection with nature.  For others, it is their religious belief in a personal relationship with God and others which may also be found through the religious community. For me, the spiritual journey has been so rich and varied, but always in relationship to Something/Someone greater than myself.  

From my earliest memory at age three, I always felt connected to all that is.  My immediate family was nonreligious until I was age nine when we found a home within the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  My life centered on this connection through my first college experience. 

Then I became Catholic in my first marriage.  However, when my marriage broke up and I was told I could not even take Communion, I was so devastated that I became agnostic/secular for many years.  (Even though it was Jesus who led me to a secular community!)  I next went through a deep metaphysical time followed by recovery in 12 step programs. 

I was finally called to the ministry by God (who told me, “I let you do it your way for 40 years; now it is MY turn!”).  I attended an interfaith Seminary in which we studied all religions, and was the perfect training for me to become a Hospice chaplain and later, Bereavement Coordinator, with a ministry of meeting patients and their family members where they were, whatever their beliefs, as they faced the terminal illness, and/or the loss of their loved one.  I also eventually found a home again within Christianity.

I love all aspects of ministry, including officiating at weddings, celebration of life services, baptisms, house blessings/clearings, long-distance prayer/ healing, spiritual direction and coaching, pastoral care, and social justice.

My relationship with God has brought me through every aspect of my life!  I am filled with gratitude and wonder, knowing that whatever I am going through, I am accepted and loved unconditionally!  

And what about YOU?!  I would love to hear from you about your spiritual journey!  Is it a connection to Something/Someone greater than yourself? That which gives your life purpose and meaning? A connection to Nature or a specific place (check out my spiritual home on Earth at Cathedral Rock).  Connection to the Universe, science? Being part of a religious community, 12 step program?  Or like me, some of all the above?

Blessings on your spiritual journey, whatever it may be!

Carolyn Q.

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