This is the extraordinary story of a grandmother and her granddaughter and the unconditional love they have for each other in spite of all the trials and tribulations they have been through to be together.

I first met Grandmother Suz in January 2011 when I was employed in a hospice as a chaplain and bereavement coordinator and Suz RN was Director of Quality Assurance.  We became close after several months when our offices were next to each other. I first met Jazz when she came to our annual Christmas Open House with Suz around age 8. They continued to do this till Covid hit. Jazz would also come to quarterly dinners of staff from the agency where Suz and I first met.  We all loved Jazz just for being Jazz, and as she hung out with adults so much older than her!  

I had known that Jazz had been with Suz since she was a tiny girl but I was not prepared for the story which they shared of the difficult journey which brought them together. Jazz however said she was an “open book” and could handle the telling of this story.

Jazz’ s Dad is the son of Suz. Jazz’s Mom per Suz had tried to be very healthy during her pregnancy with Jazz and Suz, who was working out of state, was present for the baby’s birth. However, when Jazz was 17 months old, Suz suddenly got a call that she needed to come get Jazz because her mother was not able to provide care for her.  

  This began the very difficult, arduous part of the Jazz and Suz journey in dealing with Child Protective Service RE temporary custody of Jazzie.  At first, it was a cooperative situation but then turned unbearable in the final hearing when Jazz was to be placed with Suz. The agency suddenly revealed that a home study for placement of Jazz with Suz had not been done.  Jazz was immediately taken and placed in foster care while Suz had to get to the airport.  Suz’s eyes filled with tears as she told this, and said it was the hardest day she has ever experienced. Suz was finally able to get Jazzie 4 months later but before leaving the foster home, the foster grandmother said she did not want to let Jazzie go.  Jazzie became hysterical as she clung to Suz, and they quickly had to leave.

Such trauma for a baby!  I was incensed having been a foster care/adoption specialist in my early social work career but tried not to totally lose my cool.  This entire experience was traumatizing and should never have happened!  Jazz and Suz did not express anger in this part of their story.  Instead, we were all tearful.

Jazz and Suz came to Arizona to live.  Till Jazz was around age 9, her Mom would come to visit, but this stopped when her mother had other children and had relocated to another state.  Jazz then would have to go see her.  When Jazz turned 13, she decided she wanted to try living with her mother, and Suz, in her wisdom, decided it would have to be tried.  A very hard period began for Jazz in which she experienced many difficulties.  She returned home to be with Suz and was finally able to be adopted.  This was celebrated with an adoption party!  Both Suz and Jazz were tearful through this part of the story, but Jazz said she wanted to share her story so others would know they are not alone and also tell what helped her get through this in the hope it will help others.  

Jazz chose to not have contact with her mother in the past few years.  She expressed her love and forgiveness toward her Mom and showed a maturity some of us never reach our entire lives.

Jazz and Suz then shared what helped them through all their trials.

Their coping skills were and are rooted in their faith.  Jazz said at age 13 she was in a Catholic youth retreat and heard the story of a young person who had also experienced trauma in his life.  

She totally related and said, “Lord, I surrender my heart to you.”  Jazz and Suz also had a very special experience at Chapel of the Holy Cross which provided more healing for both. Jazz lovingly looked at Suz and said, “Nana has always been a nurturer.”

Suz shared two experiences that have helped her with forgiveness in her life.  “You never look into the eyes of someone who God does not love.” 

The other was the story of Corey Ten Boom, a Dutch woman who had been in a concentration camp and witnessed her sister’s death at the hands of a German guard.  Years later this guard, who did not recognize Corey, came up to her after one of her talks, saying he was now a Christian, and asking her to take his hand and forgive him.  Corey per Suz prayed to God that she could not forgive him, but if God would move through her and her hand, He could forgive the man!  And so it was!   So Suz lets God handle what she cannot.

Jazz has set a goal of going into the medical field.  She related that God spoke to her in a dream and told her, “This is right.”  Jazz feels very supported by her faith. 

So this is part of the story of a most remarkable grandmother and granddaughter and their unconditional love!  And as Jazz exclaimed as she threw her arms around Suz,  “Nana, you are my Mom!”  ((Check out their absolute love and joy in their pics)! 

Blessings from me as the tears stream down my face!  So honored and privileged to know Suz and Jazz,  and for letting me share part of their story!  

Carolyn Q.

Carolyn, Jazz, & Suz

Suz & Jazz

Suz & Jazz

Jazz & her Dad

First Communion

18th birthday

Little Jazz

Little Jazz

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